Global warming, temperature fluctuations and depletion of our natural resources seem to be taking an unstoppable toll on the environment. None of us operate in a vacuum. Our choices and behaviours have a ripple effect that reaches across the world today, and is passed on to future generations. The current lifestyle and technological advancements also seem to be adding on adversely to our environment. It is almost mandatory for the present generations to act and now, in order to keep the world green and alive.
To a large extent the responsibility of exploring various ways of creating a sense consciousness about the issue lies in the hands of the media. The green battle is a representation of the fight against all forces that threaten the future of our home, the earth. Through this theme, the focus will lie on how the media has as well as can create interest and awareness on this critical issue and battle out to go green.
As the city emerges as a cosmopolitan entity, the Regional Language is blurring out to be replaced by the English Language. Nevertheless, there are conscious efforts that are being made to inculcate Namma Bhashe in various cultural expressions along the lines of music, dance, theatre, film, television and other media as well as performing arts. This has also been seen in a large way among radio broadcasts in the recent past.
With centres like Ranga Shankara cropping up in the city, the audiences as well as the performers now receive abundant opportunities to celebrate Kannada in media. In this year’s Footprints we intend to trace these attempts and encourage the blooming movement to keep our sakkath language alive!